Monday, May 17, 2010

Moving anxiety

It's 2am and here I am starting our family blog. Yes, I took a nap today and now I can't sleep so I figured I should be productive. I have been meaning to do this for a while and have been putting it off... well avoiding it really. Blogs to me are like journal's and I have a terrible history with journal's. But alas, I feel this strong urging to document the amazing things God is doing in our lives as we prepare and embark on this new adventure. So please excuse the typo's, run on sentences and layout kinks. I am knew at this and it will take some time to adjust to this format.

So it's May 16th and exactly one month from today we should be arriving at our new home in New Albany, Ohio. The excitement, the nervousness and anticipation is starting to get to us. This move is so significant! After 10 years of schooling between us, we finally get to start the life we always thought we'd have. You know, the two kids, dog, house and careers. We have become so used to just getting by, struggling and juggling schedules, living quarter by quarter and spending some serious time on our knees humbly praying for God's strength. We aren't sure what to do now. (Of course we are still praying and doing a whole lot of thanking! It feels so strange to not be in that place that we don't feel worthy.

Add that to the anxiety we are all feeling. We are wondering, what will life be like for us? New house, jobs, friends, church... not to mention not having our family support nearby. What if Steve hates his job? What if Matt doesn't like his new school? What if we can't find another CCNAZ? sigh...Lord help us and give us strength.

To add to our emotions, is a deep sadness for the relationships that we leave behind. Today was our going away party with our church makes me tear up just thinking about it. They have invested so much in us and us in them that it just makes it so hard to leave. Ethan was dedicated and Matt was baptized there, the friendships we have... sigh... it just makes leaving so hard. They are such an amazing group of individuals, they have been our support system and blessed us in more ways than we could possibly express. We love you CCNAZ!